GIS Data Layers
GIS Data Catalog
Basemap Data FREE AND AT COST. Basemap data consists of Coastline, Toponomy Names, Road Network, etc.. |
Civic Address Data FREE DATA Each home and business on the Island has been assigned a civic address. |
Community and Social Boundaries FREE DATA Everything from county lines to provincial parks boundaries. |
Provincial Electoral Districts FREE AND AT COST. Elections PEI provides detailed information about each district and poll, with maps of each. |
Emergency Data FREE DATA. Consists of police, fire, ambulance and emergency boundaries. |
Imagery Data FREE AND AT COST. Orthomaps are available from the Forestry and Land Resource Modeling Division. |
Index Maps FREE DATA Index maps allow you to locate the proper map sheet. |
Property Data AT COST Property data consists of property lines and assessment information. |
Resource Data FREE AND AT COST. A collection of resouce related data. |
Transportation Data FREE DATA Transportation related data. |
Interpretation and use of the data herein is not warranted in any manner whatsoever, now or at any time in the future, by the Province of Prince Edward Island [and/or other appropriate agency]. |