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April 29, 2004
For immediate release

MacAdam Announces Support for Fishermen's Organizations

Agriculture, Fisheries, Aquaculture & Forestry

Agriculture, Fisheries, Aquaculture and Forestry Minister today announced in the Legislature that he will be

introducing an amended Fisheries Organizations Support Act that will enable fishermen’s organizations to collect support fees. The amendments will be introduced next week.

“For a number of years the Prince Edward Island Fishermen’s Association has been advocating that legislation be put in place to enable core funding of their organization,” said Mr. MacAdam. “I can assure you that I have heard from many other fishermen across this province who feel that the time has come to provide support to fisheries organizations.”

The Minister said that fisheries issues demand strong representation from all concerned, and that the act will provide a foundation for a strong voice for Island fishermen.

The Fisheries Organizations Support Act was passed in 1995 but never proclaimed. The amendments to be introduced will bring the act up to date and provide a streamlined process for fisheries organizations to collect support fees.

“I am pleased that this government is prepared to listen to the wishes of fishermen and provide leadership in introducing this legislation to help make a stronger industry a reality,” said Mr. MacAdam.

Media Contact: David Younker
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