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December 8, 2004
For immediate release

Applications now Being Accepted for Youth of the Digital Age

Development and Technology

Applications are now being accepted for funding under the Youth of the Digital Age program. Youth of the Digital Age is a well established, successful program which provides youth with technical experience and guidance in a fun and informative environment. Students will be taught web design skills and will be able to design a Web site based on a subject of their choice

The program consists of a series of workshops where students are taught techniques for creating a web page. The programs take place in a school’s computer lab or at a CAP site. Young people receive instruction from qualified technical coaches who, together with facilitators, will run the workshops.

Host schools will be responsible for scheduling sessions for this program. Students at all levels of education are able to take part – elementary students are invited to take part as participants, high school students as technical coaches, and post secondary students as program facilitators.

EasTech Business Centre site is now accepting applications for all three positions: host school, facilitator and technical coach. Deadline for host school applications is Wednesday January 12, 2005, while the deadline for Facilitator and Technical Coaches applications is Wednesday, January 19, 2005.

Participants can become involved by contacting their school directly or the closest host school in their area. Once schools are selected as host sites, their names, phone numbers and contact names will be posted on the Technology PEI Web site.

Applications are available on line at under the Community Initiatives/Programs/Youth of the Digital Age, or by contacting EasTech Business Centre and CAP site at, or at (902) 838-2509.

Youth of the Digital Age is an initiative of Technology PEI, a provincial crown corporation established to advance the growth and development in Prince Edward Island’s technology sector. Technology PEI plays a leadership role in the development, use and adoption of information technology for business and community in Prince Edward Island.

For further information, contact Chris Judson at (902) 838-2509.

Media Contact: Ann Thurlow
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