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January 8, 2013
For immediate release

Governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island invest in software company Adeptio Canada

Innovation and Advanced Learning

The Honourable Mike Duffy, Senator for Prince Edward Island (Cavendish), and the Honourable Allen Roach, PEI Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning, today joined company officials from Adeptio Canada to announce funding to help the company market its new software.

"Our Government is pleased to support companies like Adeptio Canada because they are helping to create jobs and growth in our region’s economy," said Senator Duffy, on behalf of the Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Associate Minister of National Defence and Minister of State (Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency) (La Francophonie). "This company is providing an innovative, value-added service to its clients and is strengthening our local economy."

The Government of Canada, through ACOA’s Business Development Program, has invested $500,000 to help the company market their new software in the global marketplace and hire a Director of Technology. The Government of Prince Edward Island, through Innovation PEI, has invested $326,000 through the Labour Rebate, Marketing and Trade Assistance programs. The Government of PEI continues to drive the economy and profile of the province, inspiring growth in people, productivity and economy, now and into the future.

"Prince Edward Island is an ideal business location for Adeptio Canada to operate, with our excellent skilled labour force, low business costs and our growing IT community," said Minister Roach. "Innovation PEI continues to invests into our key sectors to help accelerate our Island economy."

Adeptio Canada has engineered a new cloud-based software; a Social Achievement Platform. This software was designed to give people interactive processes and tools to set and track performance-based goals in all areas of their lives. This tool has the capabilities to help individuals achieve better work-life balance.

"We would like to extend thanks to ACOA and Innovation PEI for their financial and collaborative support of Adeptio (," said Mr. Chad Griffin, CEO, Adeptio Canada. "As a start up, it is a tremendous advantage to have the investment and confidence of such significant allies. With positive early-day traction in tow, we look forward to Adeptio continuing to grow and increasingly contribute to the local economy. Our products are available globally and it is with great pride that we bring a meaningful service to market from our local headquarters. With goal setting and achievement being a core focus of our product, we would like to clearly state our own objectives to inspire and empower millions of individuals to break through results in Health, Work and Life.

Media Contact: Rebecca Bruce
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