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June 15, 2009
For immediate release

Island Communities Get Support For Capacity Building and Long-Term Planning

Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour

Communities across Prince Edward Island will benefit from improved community planning and enhanced infrastructure investments thanks to funding announced from the governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island.

Twelve individual projects will receive funding support from the Capacity Building Fund, a component of the Canada – Prince Edward Island Gas Tax Fund Agreement. The Gas Tax Fund provides support for infrastructure investments and capacity building efforts to help local governments to achieve and maintain long-term sustainability. The total cost of these twelve projects is more than $362,000.

“The Government of Canada is acting to speed up infrastructure projects, to build a stronger economy and a healthier environment,” said the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. “These projects are essential to communities in helping them better to plan future investments in critical infrastructure.”

“The Capacity Building Fund is a wonderful initiative focused on assisting municipalities in long-term planning and establishing sustainability,” said Carolyn Bertram, Minister of Communities, Cultural Affairs and Labour. “This funding will help Island communities in obtaining the greatest possible value from future infrastructure and regional development investments."

Examples of gas tax funded capacity building projects across the province include integrated community sustainability plans in Montague and Kensington, energy audits on municipal buildings in Hunter River, Georgetown, Cornwall and O’Leary, a storm water management plan in Georgetown, water and sewer system studies in Bedeque, Central Bedeque and North Shore Municipality, and community energy planning in Summerside and Montague.

The Government of Canada recognizes that for municipalities to remain competitive and prosperous, they need stable long-term funding. As of April 2009, the federal Gas Tax Fund increased to $2 billion per year. Prince Edward Island will receive $88.5 million in gas tax funding by 2014. The Government of Canada has announced that the Gas Tax Fund would become a permanent measure at $2 billion per year after 2014.

For more information on federal infrastructure investments, visit For more information on infrastructure program in Prince Edward Island, visit


Twelve individual projects will receive funding support through the Capacity Building Fund, a component of the federal Gas Tax Fund. This component provides support for infrastructure investments and capacity building efforts to help local governments to achieve and maintain long-term sustainability. The total Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) contribution to these 12 projects is more than $276,000.

City of Summerside - Energy Study

This study will prepare a Master Plan with Budget and Concept Report for the City of Summerside and Summerside Electric including an up-to-date review of existing facilities and the analysis of three options for providing steam, chilled water, and electricity to the facilities served by Summerside Electric. This study will determine optimal plant size, thermal application and operational mode with the possible use of renewable fuel opportunities for each of the three options. It will analyze the feasibility of a combined facility to serve both the public and private commercial and institutional facilities and the current users on the Summerside Electric system. It will undertake a comprehensive analysis of the existing facilities owned by the City of Summerside.

Total project cost estimated at $80,000; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $53,336.

Town of Kensington – Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP)

The Integrated Community Sustainability Plan will aid Kensington in effectively planning and managing its assets and resources in the future. It will allow the community to achieve identifiable outcomes, deliver services and municipal priorities encompassing the four pillars of sustainable development: economic, environmental, social and cultural. The project will provide decision makers with a means to measure the effect their decisions are having on the long term sustainable growth of the Town.

Total project cost estimated at $25,600; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $17,068.

Town of Georgetown - Storm Water Management Plan

The Town is experiencing problems with surface and storm water, and has no overall plan in place to solve these issues. The storm water management plan will provide the Town with a long term plan for improving the existing storm water system so that flooding, ponding and erosion issues will be minimized in the future. The Storm Water Management Plan will prioritize the problem areas, categorizing the recommendations into a 5-10 year improvement plan so that the town can budget appropriately.

Total project cost estimated at $12,950; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $8,634.

Town of Montague - Integrated Community Sustainability Plan

The Integrated Community Sustainability Plan will assist the Town in effectively planning and managing their assets and resources to achieve identifiable outcomes, deliver services and identity municipal priorities encompassing economic, environmental, social, and cultural sustainability. The residents will benefit from a sustainability plan that indentifies the community priorities now and in the future.

Total project cost estimated at $55,250; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $36,835.

Community of Hunter River - Energy Audit

This project includes an energy audit of municipal building to determine how the community council should proceed with proposed upgrades. The community will have a detailed report of any and all energy losses sustained through their municipal building, to determine where upgrades and improvements are required.

Total project cost estimated at $3,190; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $2,126.

Town of Kensington - Official Plan and Bylaw Review

This project will involve the procurement of planning consultant services to facilitate the review and update of the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning and Subdivision Control Bylaw as required by the Planning Act of Prince Edward Island. An updated Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw will put policies in place to ensure proper control over development and will ensure that permitted alternative energy development is done in compliance with Federal, Provincial and Municipal Legislation. This project will benefit all the residents and businesses of the town and the surrounding communities to ensure a more sustainable future.

Total project cost estimated at $15,000; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $11,250.

Communities of Bedeque and Central Bedeque - Sewer and Water Study

The community councils of Bedeque and Central Bedeque will obtain professional assistance to carry out a review of the communities' current situation with regard to water and sewers and to make recommendations as required. At present, neither community provides any municipal services and they have a large number of issues related to water quality, specifically nitrate levels. This process will lead the communities through a planning and cost benefit analysis and provide them with the relevant information to base future decisions with regards to water and sewer planning.

Total project cost estimated at $50,000; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $50,000.

Municipality of North Shore - Long-Range Water and Sewage System wide Planning

This project will investigate and identify existing and potential water and sewer issues within the Municipality. It will determine the appropriate mix of options for financially viable, environmentally safe and sustainable working solutions. The work itself will be divided up into two phases. Phase one will be a complete municipal profile, a survey of the residents will be completed and a study will conduct an assessment of existing septic conditions and determine their long term sustainability. Phase two will analyze the detailed review of water quality and quantity and determine a plan for long term supply sustainability based on empirical data for current consumption and development. Options for both sewer and water services will be presented to the Council and to the Residents for consideration.

The study will provide the residents with a higher quality of life and standard of living. It will support the Watershed Management Plan for the area by providing more efficient consumption of water and lower levels of pollutants and contaminants into the soil and Covehead Bay. It will also supply a long-range plan for sewer and water services for the entire municipality.

Total project cost estimated at $49,977; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $49,977.

Southeast Environmental Association & Town of Montague - Cooperative Community Energy

This collaborative project will bring together environmental stakeholders to conduct a study to determine the most cost effective, environmentally sustainable community energy system to meet the heating/cooling requirement of the high school and wellness centre, as well as the neighboring facilities. There are proven community energy system examples readily available and the study will identify the most beneficial to the particular application based on load requirements.

Total project cost estimated at $46,000; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $30,668.

Town of Georgetown - Municipal Buildings Energy Audit

This project is to hire a qualified consultant to conduct an energy audit on three municipally owned buildings. These are the Three Rivers Sportsplex, the Kings Playhouse, and the Georgetown Civic Centre/ Firehall. The Town recognizes that these building are 25 years and older and need to be brought up to today’s standards for energy supply and demand.

Total project cost estimated at $11,000; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $7,333.

Community of O'Leary - O’Leary Complex Energy Audit

This project involves an energy audit to be conducted on the O’Leary Municipal Building. The building is approximately 45,000 square feet and utility costs are about $25,000 annually. The community will have a detailed report of energy losses sustained through their municipal building, to determine where upgrades and improvements are required.

Total project cost estimated at $5,646; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $3,764.

Communities 13 Inc. - Energy Audit

This project is an on-site energy audit for the APM Centre, operated by the not-for-profit organization, Communities 13 Inc. This audit will include load inventory, demand and energy use breakdown, energy management opportunities with savings outlined. As well as the rating of refrigeration practices, feasibility of glycol loop for fresh air system, need recovery potential and domestic hot water efficiency in summer months. The benefits will result from the opportunity to reduce electricity costs of the building by 25% and heating oil by 15 %.

Total project cost estimated at $7,860; Gas Tax Fund (Capacity Building Fund) share $5,360.

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere
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