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February 8, 2013
For immediate release

Environmental impact assessment statement filed for proposed wind development, public meeting date announced

Finance and Energy

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) statement for the proposed wind development in the Hermanville/ Clearspring area has been filed, and a date for the public information session has been set, says Finance, Energy and Municipal Affairs Minister Wes Sheridan.

“Our goal with this proposed wind development is to provide increased renewable energy for the people of this province,” says Minister Sheridan. “The environmental impact assessment is an important step in ensuring we do that in the most responsible and environmentally sustainable way possible.”

As part of this process, the PEI Energy Corporation is hosting a public information session on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 from 3 to 8 p.m. at the St. Margaret’s Church Hall in St. Margaret’s. The session will be advertised in local newspapers.

The EIA statement can be found at

Media Contact: Jennifer MacDonald-Donovan
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